Do you wake up tired, have frequent headaches, or suffer from memory lapses? Do you just not feel as young as you should be? Could the pollution in your environment have a negative impact on your wellbeing? Could your diet be not sustaining you and leaving you with a lack of energy?

The choice of our food and diet, exposure to environmental pollution and stressful lifestyles can lead to poor expression of wellness. Most of us are living way below our optimal levels of physical, mental, and emotional capabilities.

Virgo Wellness will provide you with a full epigenetic report looking at issues such as toxins, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids present in your body. In addition, it will outline what foods and additives you would need to avoid and how to create your very own personalized health promoting nutrition plan.

A strand of hair has been proven to be one of the most effective biomarkers as it accumulates information about the variety of processes in your entire body. The key of looking younger and living longer is largely controlled by the environment and lifestyle we create for ourselves. 98% of our physical expression is a direct result of our environment, with only 2% directly attributed to our genes. What toxins could be challenging you? Could they be electromagnetic frequencies, chemicals, radiation or even parasites? What could you be eating that is causing a challenge? What nutritional supplements are you lacking?
Tests do not guess! With the data generated from a single hair test, all areas requiring attention are summarized in your own Personal Optimization Plan, allowing for current conditions to be improved and future conditions to be avoided.
Your sense of wellbeing is the result of your own personal choice!